Private Practice Resources

Access forms, templates, calculators, KPIs, and best practices. Streamline your private practice with user-friendly tools for efficiency and accuracy.

  • Administrative and Operational Documents
  • Financial and Cost Management
  • HME/DME Resources
  • Clinical and Coding Resources
  • Legal and Compliance Documents

Administrative and Operational

These documents are crucial for managing a healthcare practice, covering patient communication, staff guidelines, policies, and medical records, ensuring smooth operation and compliance.

KPI List

Key Performance Indicators, for monitoring operational performance.

Consent to Treat

A document to obtain patient consent for treatment.


Advance Beneficiary Notice, to inform patients.

Patient Acknowledgement Sheet

Document for acknowledgment of policies or procedures.

No Show Policy

Outlining consequences and fees for missed appointments.

List of Practices Receiving Emails

Likely a list used for administrative purposes.

Medical Records Release Outgoing

Document for releasing medical records to another entity.

Medical Records Release Incoming

Document for receiving medical records from another entity.

Employee Handbook

Policies for staff, ensuring consistent practices across the organization.

Clinical and Coding

These resources support clinical practices and coding for billing purposes. They include coding guides, fee schedules, and conversion factors that ensure accurate documentation, billing, and reimbursement processes in a medical setting.

E&M Coding Cheat Sheet

A quick reference for coding Evaluation and Management services.

NDC-HCPCS Crosswalk Introduction Text 030724

Guide for converting drug codes to procedural codes.

2024 National Physician Fee Schedule Relative Value

Resource for the relative values of physician services for billing.

2024 Anesthesia Conversion Factor

Conversion factor used for billing anesthesia services.

2024 Location Codes

Codes identifying different service locations for billing purposes.

Clinical Labs Fee Schedule

Schedule of fees structure for clinical laboratory tests.

Financial and Cost

These documents are vital for managing a healthcare practice's finances, covering costs for locations, immunizations, and pharmaceuticals, aiding in budgeting and financial planning.

Geographic Practice Cost Indices 2024

Indices representing the cost of medical practice.

Immunization CDC Cost

Cost data for vaccines, important for financial planning and budgeting of Private Practice.

April 2024 ASP Pricing File 032124

Average Sales Price data for pharma, for pricing and reimbursement.


Essential tools, information, and support for Home Medical Equipment (HME) and Durable Medical Equipment (DME), aiding in the selection, maintenance, and usage to enhance patient care and mobility.

April 2024 ASP Pricing File 032124

Average Sales Price data for pharma, for pricing and reimbursement.


Vital tools and information designed to support HME/DME companies in management and patient care solutions.

DMEPOS Final Rule List

List detailing final rule changes for DMEPOS, aimed at reducing unnecessary utilization and ensuring compliance with updated regulations.

Medicare Fee-for-Service Provider Enrollment Contact List

Essential contacts for providers enrolling in Medicare Fee-for-Service.

DMEPOS Accreditation Organizations

Key organizations accrediting DMEPOS providers for Medicare compliance, ensuring quality and standards.